5 Reasons Snooping On Your Partner Is Not Such A Bad Idea Read more at: http://www.naijaonpoint.com/relationship/5-reasons-snooping-on-your-partner-is-not-such-a-bad-idea.html#ixzz3mpzzKfM9
We have previously provided you with reasons snooping in a relationship is a terrible idea; but just like anything else, it could also have its advantages.
While experts maintain that snooping is the worst thing for a relationship, quite a number of people will also argue that it did more good for them than harm.
Let us take a look at a few reasons why snooping in a relationship is not so bad.
1. Helps you decide: If you are in the early stages of your relationship and you are still not totally sure if you really know the person you are with, snooping could be your best bet. It could help prevent further wasting of time if your partner turns out not to be someone who is committed as much as you are.
2. Gives you peace of mind: When done right, snooping really could give you the peace of mind you need. Most people that have been previously hurt and betrayed in past relationships find it pretty difficult to trust blindly so doing your homework on your partner could give you a few reasons to trust them.
This also applies if you have been betrayed by a particular partner and you choose to stay with them to rebuild the relationship, snooping could be the only way for this to work.
3. People are not usually honest: Experts advise that it is better to communicate with your partner and approach them if you are not sure if they are unfaithful, but a person who is cheating is unlikely to be honest about it. So, expecting them to just break down and confess because you tell them you have a bad feeling about their faithfulness is unrealistic.
4. Gives you the proof you need: In the age of technology, snooping on your partner could give you rock solid proof of any wrongdoing on their part. Only spying on them will give you this kind of proof. You can hear tales of their misdeeds all day and even approach your partner, but if you do not have the kind of proof that snooping gets, then you do not have anything tangible to hold them to.
5. Privacy is overrated: When it comes to relationships, privacy could be really overrated. You share everything, including bodily fluids, so considering your technology gadgets (phones, computers, etc) private sounds pretty ridiculous.
The whole point of a relationship is that you find someone you are completely open with and knows you through and through. This means, secrets and lies do not play a part. Also, if you really have nothing to hide in your gadgets, why make it out of bounds to your partner?